Dispersal Vectors
Dispersal Vectors is a game that simplifies systems found in nature into playable diagrams.
We were inspired by the compositions of imagery and information found in old scientific diagrams and illustrations. Made during Global Game Jam 2023.
Our initial goals:
- Mostly serious tone, with moments of success that are beautiful or show nature’s interconnectedness. Slightly sprinkled with goofy physics at moments of failure. Special emphasis on visual & conceptual transitions between the levels.
- Based on real ecological dynamics. Playful, not didactic. Styled like a book or encyclopedia, but not boring, little to no text.
- The gameplay is toy-like interactions with sequential steps, with seamless transitions between levels that punctuate their significance. Give or take 10 minutes of gameplay.
- Planning by balancing highest efficacy with lowest scope. Less than 12 development hours per person total for the main prototype, not counting design & planning.
- Use public domain assets, such as high-quality illustrations from scientific and naturalist sources, in a visually appealing way that doesn’t look cheap. We keep the source links for all found images.
On itch.io – https://thesheepsmeow.itch.io/dispersal-vectors